Dolch/SNIP and Letter String Functionality

Dolch/SNIP and Letter String Functionality


The Dolch/SNIP and letter strings tests behave exactly like the yellow spelling tests. When there is room in the Learning Words section,they will be open.

If the Dolch/SNIP/Letter String tests are locked, this means that the child does not have any more room for Learning Words at this moment.











The children you are looking to use these features have probably built up errors that are not relevant for them from the yellow tests.

We have two options:


Option 1 (Recommended) Clear all of the student’s current Learning Words.

To do this click:

Administration -> Users ->Actions button (beside the student's name) -> Clear Learning Words

This will then open up all of these tests for that student.


Option 2: Reset the account.

To do this click:

Administration -> users -> Actions button (beside a student's name) -> Reset.

Reset = resetting the profile to its original state. Children on Level 1 , all data wiped.





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