Managing Class Folders Year After Year

Managing Class Folders Year After Year

The Group of Children is Staying the Same

Follow the steps below to move children on to their new class folder and new teacher.

1.           Log into your profile.

2.           Click ‘Administration’.

3.           Click ‘Classes’. You will see all the class folders in your school for this academic year.

4.  Rename the class folders.

e.g.3rd Class Ms Smith 2020/2021 will be 4th class Mr Ryan 2021/2022.To rename:

(i)        Click the class folder.It will turn blue.

(ii)       Right click an click ‘edit’

(iii)     Delete the old name:3rd Class Ms. Smith 2020/2021.

(iv)     Type the new name for the class: 4th Class Mr. Ryan 2021/2022

(v)       Click ‘Save’


5.  Do this with all the class folders. Leave the SET folders as these teachers will have pupils from multiple classes. (Instructions for SETs are on pg. 88).













 6. Now we must remove the old teacher and add the new ones.

Click ‘Administration’.

7.  Click ‘Users’

8.  Click ‘Filter by role’.

9.  Select ‘Teacher’.










10.  Click ‘Refresh’. This will bring up all the teachers with a Spellings for Me profile in your school.








11.  Scroll to find a teacher.(You can also search by first name or surname).

12.  Once you find the teacher, click the blue ‘Actions’ button beside their name then select ‘Edit’.













12.  Click the ‘Class’ tab at the top.












13.  Untick him from his old class folder. Tick him for his new class folder.










14.  Click ‘Save’.

This means Mr Davey has access to his new class. He will not see his old class on his Teacher Dashboard anymore.



15.  Do this with all class teachers.






   Managing Class Folders Year After Year:  The Group of Children is Mixed Up

1.           Log into your profile using your School Personal URL, your username (or email) and your password.

2.           Click “Administration” then “Classes”on the left menu.

3.           Click the class folderyou wish to delete e.g. 4th ClassMs. Ryan 2020/2021

4.           Right click and select‘Delete’.

5.           Create a new class folder by clicking the blue ‘Add Class’ button.

e.g. 5th Class Ms Murphy2021/2022







The new class folder is now created. Add the new teacher (Ms.Murphy) and the pupils in that class.

6.           Click the folder you wish to add usersinto. It will turn blue.

7.           Look at the right hand side of the screen. Click ‘Add Member’. You will see the full

list of users. From here you can searchfor the users in your class.

8.           Tick the users you wish to add.

9.           Click ‘Save’.












NOTE: Searchfor users by their:


(i) first name OR (ii) surname OR (iii) username


Usernames generated by the system are alwaysthe first 3 letters of the first name + the first 3letters of the surname and a number. E.g.John Smith= johsmi33


Important: Searchingby their first name + surname togetherwill not work


Important: Please remember to add yourselfto the folder too. This will enableyou to monitor all thechildren in your class.

Children can be in multiple folderse.g. The specialeducational teacher’s folder.



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